How to Pass a Hair Drug Test

Hair tests have gained a reputation for being notoriously hard to beat, and for good reason. If you find out about an upcoming screening, it’s only natural to think about “how to pass a hair drug test.” Whether you’re a chronic or occasional drug user, you may face anxiety about getting a positive result. This apprehension is especially heightened when a failed drug test can lead to getting fired, losing potential job opportunities, strained personal relationships, and even legal issues.

Given the name of this test, you can safely assume that it uses hair strands to detect the presence of drugs. Hair drug tests are considered highly effective for uncovering long-term substance use though they have limitations when detecting recent use.

This guide takes a detailed look into hair drug testing. We discuss how it works, what the results mean, and the best ways to pass the screening. We will also dispel common rumors about hair testing and answer popular questions such as how long is marijuana detected in hair follicle drug test.

Understanding the Hair Follicle Drug Test

Hair drug tests use a hair sample to detect the presence of drugs. This screening method has grown in popularity due to its accuracy and extensive detection window. So, exactly how long does weed stay in a hair follicle? Well, hair tests usually identify drug use within the previous three months.

The term “hair follicle drug testing” is a bit misleading since it implies follicles are tested to identify drug use. Despite the name, this process only uses clipped hair strands.

How it Works

A hair strand drug test can be conducted in a hospital, lab, or even a workplace setting. This simple process involves the following steps.

  1. A lab technician will cut around 120 strands of hair from your head. The samples are obtained from different sections of the head to avoid creating a bald spot.
  2. If you don’t have enough hair on your head, the collector will opt for body hair.
  3. The collected sample is placed in foil and then in an envelope to be mailed to the testing facility.

Drug tests are a popular tool used in different sectors to deter substance use. Common scenarios where drug screening is used include;

  • Employment testing
  • Sports testing
  • Legal testing
  • Medical testing and diagnostics

Which Drugs Can Be Detected?

A hair drug test can detect the presence of different drugs including;

  • Amphetamines
  • Cannabis
  • Cocaine
  • Opioids
  • Phencyclidine
  • Propoxyphene
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Barbiturates
  • Methaqualone
  • Methadone
  • Ecstasy (MDMA)
  • Fentanyl

The number of substances you’re screened for will vary depending on the specific type of test used. For example, a 12-panel hair follicle drug test includes 12 substances while a 5-panel test covers 5 drugs.

The table below sums up the popular drug types and their cut-off concentrations

Substance ELISA test cutoff (pg/mg) GC-MS test cutoff (pg/mg)
Marijuana (THC) 1 0.3
Amphetamines 500 500
Cocaine 500 500
Opiates 300 300
PCP 300 300

Hair Follicle Drug Test Procedures

Similar to other methods of drug screening, a hair follicle test can be conducted using various procedures. They include;

  • Laboratory testing 

As the name suggests, this procedure takes place in a laboratory. You simply avail yourself at the lab and the technician handles the rest.

  • At-home drug testing kits

This option offers the convenience of drug testing in the comfort of your home. You simply collect a hair sample following the provided instructions, mail it to the testing facility, and wait for your results.

  • Online screening

Online screening platforms have simplified hair testing. They allow you to order your preferred type of test online or through a call.

Interpreting Drug Test Results

Drug test results are either positive or negative. A negative result indicates the absence of drugs and their metabolites in your system and is determined through the initial test known as ELISA. You’re likely to get a negative drug screen result if;

  • You’ve not used specific substances included in the test
  • Your drug concentration levels are below the cutoff
  • Your usage falls outside the detection window.

All non-negative results are subjected to a confirmatory test called gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry (GS/ MS). This second test confirms positive results. It also identifies the specific drug metabolites detected in the sample.

A common question after drug screenings is “how long does it take for hair follicle drug test to come back?” The exact duration will vary depending on the testing facility. With most laboratories, you can expect results within one to three business days.

Factors Influencing Toxin Retention

If two people were exposed to the same type and quantity of a substance, you’re likely to have differences in toxin retention. To accurately answer the question “How long does it take weed to get out of your hair” we need to consider multiple factors. These include;

  • Body fat: THC is fat-soluble, readily binding to the body’s fat cells. Individuals with a higher percentage of body fat tend to store more THC and metabolize it slowly leading to longer detection times. 
  • Gender: On average, females tend to have a higher body fat percentage than males. This means that men may metabolize THC at a faster pace.
  • Metabolism: Substances are only eliminated from the body after the drug metabolism process is complete. People with a faster metabolism will get “clean” quicker than those with slower metabolisms.
  • Frequency of use and dosage: Chronic and heavy use of a substance results in the build-up of drug metabolites in your system. This can lead to a longer detection window compared to infrequent, small doses.

Pre-Test Preparations: What to Avoid

Dealing with a looming drug test can be nerve-wracking. Preparing yourself in the time leading up to your screening gives you a sense of control and betters your odds of passing a hair test. Here are some simple actions you can undertake to prepare for your drug test.

  • Avoid further exposure to drug toxins. THC metabolites can remain in your hair for up to three months after last use. Abstaining from drug use allows your body to start the lengthy process of naturally eliminating toxins.
  • Identify and stay away from products that can cause false positives. Hair products containing hemp can trigger false positives during a hair drug test. Also, weed smoke may deposit residues on your hair affecting your test results.
  • Some weight-loss pills, mouthwash, antidepressants, and even CBD oil contain compounds that can lead to false positives. Before your test, inform the technician if you’ve come into contact with any of these substances.

Mastering Hair Detoxification

Failing a hair follicle drug test comes with serious consequences. Fortunately, you can avoid this unpleasant experience by detoxifying your hair. To achieve this objective, you’ll need a dependable detox shampoo.

Regular shampoo washes the external layer of your hair. Conversely, detox shampoo is specially designed to penetrate the hair strands and cleanse all impurities. If you’re looking for the best hair detox shampoo for drug test, Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo and Zydot Ultra Clean are your best bet.

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo

We cannot discuss hair detox shampoos without talking about Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo. This product is widely regarded as one of the most effective detox shampoos for people facing a hair drug test. It consists of powerful ingredients such as propylene glycol and aloe vera.


  • Effective detox shampoo with a high success rate
  • Consists of natural ingredients that are gentle on hair
  • Straight forward instructions
  • Ideal for all hair types
  • A key ingredient of the Macujo and Jerry G detox methods


  • Relatively expensive
  • Requires multiple washes, especially for high toxin levels

Zydot Ultra Clean

The Zydot Ultra Clean kit consists of a shampoo, purifier, and conditioner. These three products work together to clear drug residues from the hair while maintaining its health. With ingredients such as aloe vera, propylene glycol, and EDTA, Zydot Ultra Clean kit has been specially formulated to get you ready for a hair drug test.


  • 3-in-1 kit that eliminates drug toxins and conditions your hair
  • One of the most affordable hair detox kits
  • Has a natural formula that preserves hair health
  • A key ingredient of the Macujo and Jerry G detox methods


  • Not ideal for heavy exposure
  • Detoxification requires multiple washes.

Let’s find out how these two detox shampoos compare.

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Zydot Ultra Clean
What’s in the kit Detox shampoo Detox shampoo, purifier, and conditioner
Exposure level Moderate to high Low to moderate
Ingredients Detoxifying agents including aloe vera, EDTA, and propylene glycol Detoxifying agents including aloe vera, EDTA, and propylene glycol
Time needed Multiple washes depending on exposure level Multiple washes depending on exposure level
Price $134 $35.95

Strategies to Pass Hair Strand Drug Tests

Passing hair tests for THC can be a struggle, especially if you’re a heavy user. The good news is that there are strategies that have been developed to help with clearing drug metabolites from the hair. Let’s discuss two effective hair detox strategies — the Macujo method and the Jerry G method.

The Macujo Method

The Macujo method is a time-tested hair detox regimen that has been around since the early 2000s. It utilizes a host of strong ingredients to cleanse the hair of all toxins and impurities. This method is very popular with marijuana users thanks to its impressive success rate.

Items Required

  • Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo
  • Zydot Ultra Clean
  • Clean and Clear deep cleansing solution
  • Tide laundry detergent
  • Heinz vinegar
  • Safety items (rubber gloves and goggles)
  • Hair care accessories (shower cap, combs, towels, and brushes)


  1. Using warm water, wet your hair until it’s completely soaked.
  2. Apply a generous amount of Heinz vinegar to your hair.
  3. Without rinsing off your hair, gently massage Clean and Clear into your scalp.
  4. Put on a shower cap and allow the mixture to sit for about an hour.
  5. Rinse your hair thoroughly to remove all products.
  6. Use Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo to wash your hair. Repeat this step one more time.
  7. Put a generous amount of Tide detergent in your hair and scrub well. Rinse it using warm water.
  8. Lastly, wash your hair using Zydot Ultra Clean before rinsing it off.

You’ll need to repeat these steps at least 7 times in the days leading up to your test. The effectiveness of the Macujo method is reliant on using the correct ingredients and following the directions precisely. For extra peace of mind, you can verify your results before the screening using home hair drug testing kits.

The Jerry G Method

The Jerry G method is the brainchild of a weed aficionado who went by the name ‘Jerry G.’ While this technique is less popular than the Macujo method, it’s just as effective. The Jerry G method is ideal for THC as well as other drug residues.

Items Required

  • Peroxide bleach
  • Old Style Alo Toxin Rid shampoo
  • Zydot Ultra Clean
  • Baking soda
  • Permanent hair dye with ammonia content (ideally matches your regular hair color)
  • Set of combs, brushes, and towels


  1. Cease all substance use 10 days before the hair screening.
  2. Carefully bleach your hair using the peroxide bleach to accelerate the breakdown of the hair’s external layer.
  3. Use a permanent hair dye containing ammonia to dye your hair.
  4. Wash your hair using Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo. Allow it to air dry after.
  5. Repeat the bleach, dye, and wash steps 10 days after the initial application.
  6. On the test day, apply a pre-prepared baking soda paste to your hair ensuring all sections are fully coated.
  7. Wait 15 minutes then wash it out using Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo
  8. As a last step, wash your hair using Zydot Ultra Clean

You’ll need at least 10 days to complete the Jerry G method. While you can expedite the Macujo method by performing multiple washes per day, this is not feasible with the Jerry G method.

Debunking Common Myths

Gaming a hair drug test can be a challenging fit. On the internet, you’ll find countless tips floating around, some factual, others misleading. Let’s review some of the most common untruths that we’ve come across.

  • Shaving your head helps you pass a hair follicle drug test

One of the biggest myths is that you can escape a hair drug test by simply shaving your head. If the tester is unable to collect hair samples from your scalp, they can opt for hair from other parts of the body including arms, legs, chest, and pubic region.

  • Bleaching your hair can strip out drug toxins

Bleaching only impacts the external layer of a hair strand. Therefore, bleached hair still contains drug metabolites and will not help you game a hair drug test.

  • Immediate drug cessation facilitates a favorable outcome.

Unlike urine, blood, and saliva tests which have a relatively short window of detection, hair drug tests identify substance use for up to 3 months prior to testing. Therefore, unless you have at least 90 days to get clean, stopping drug use may not change your test results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do detox shampoos really work?

Detox shampoos are a reliable solution when you need to eliminate drug toxins from your hair. However, their effectiveness will vary depending on the frequency of use and your hair characteristics. For the best results, it’s recommended that you use a detox shampoo as part of the Macujo or Jerry-G method.

When should I start the Macujo method?

Depending on where you look, you’ll come across slightly varying Macujo method instructions. A good rule of thumb is to start your detox regimen at least three to five days before you’re tested. This gives you enough time to repeat the process as required.

Does detox shampoos damage your hair?

No. Quality detox shampoos are formulated to penetrate the hair strands and remove all traces of drug toxins without damaging the hair.

Can you fail a hair drug test due to secondhand smoke? 

No. The odds of failing a hair follicle drug test due to inhaling second-hand marijuana smoke are very low. This is because passive smoke tends to have minimal THC content.

Will I pass a hair drug test if I smoked once?

If you’ve only been exposed to THC once in the last 90 days, your levels are going to be very low and you’re likely to pass a hair drug test. Further, hair tests are unlikely to pick up very recent substance use since it takes 5 to 10 days for drug metabolites to show up in your hair.

How accurate are hair follicle drug tests?

Hair drug screening is very accurate, especially for long-term drug use. It involves a two-step testing process to minimize the occurrence of false positives.


Hair drug tests have a longer detection window than any other type of test making them exceptionally hard to beat. While it does require some effort, tricking a hair drug test is fortunately doable.

If you’ve indulged in the last 90 days, your best shot of passing a hair drug test involves using a reliable detox shampoo. Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo and Zydot Ultra Clean come highly recommended thanks to their impressive success rates and strong formula. Of course, you’ll need to follow the user instructions precisely for optimal results.